Broke Replit’s Starter Plan quota

lol, i logged into my replit account and saw this.

bruh, if you can afford to have anirudh’s arena, i think you can afford replit core
however, i did buy core as hacker, so I have a 50 dollar annual discout lol (from like 120 bucks to 70)

personally would rather not give money to such a greedy company

Yeah, Replit isn’t a company worth giving money to anymore. I’d much rather pay for a server and self-host Coolify and a CDE like Coder.

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Sadly I have no choice. It’s the only platform that is available both at home and at school. Also the new AI features actually don’t suck, its just they cost too much. Core comes with like 25 bucks of free ai or deployment usage every month (300 dollars from 74 dollars in my case is a great deal).

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